Improv Studio

Prerequisite: JP Improv 201

Isn’t it a shame that people have to wait so long between improv classes—and that so many stop improvising when they reach the end of the classes available in their area?

Wouldn’t it be cool if people could improvise together long after their class sessions finish—if we could keep making hilarious art with our new friends, week after week?

Now, we can.

Improv Studio is a different approach to improv classes than what you’re used to.

Most improv classes stick to a set, 8-week curriculum—with long breaks between sessions for students who can’t fit a class into their schedule.

Improv Studio treats improv less like a college course, and more like a yoga or martial arts class. In other words, at Improv Studio, experienced improvisers get together each week, on an ongoing basis, to hone their craft, socialize, and have fun—without having to wait for months to see each other.

The Improv Studio program is open to JP Improv 201 alumni. If that’s you, or if you’re just curious, get in touch to find out more!