You can do improv.
You—yes, you—can stand out in front of a crowd, and have the time of your life. You can make up characters, scenes, and whole stories, right on the spot.
You can make people laugh.
I’d love to show you how.
The Teacher

My name is Myles McDonough. I’ve been practicing and coaching improv off and on since 2013.
After falling in love with improv in college, I spent several years training at ImprovBoston, working through the school’s six-part core curriculum. I completed the program in 2015, shortly before heading to grad school at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Once there, I was sad to find out that the University had no dedicated longform improv team on campus. So I decided to fix that.
Over the next year and a half, I trained a small group of undergraduates with no improv experience into a troupe that filled auditoriums with big, laughing crowds. During that time, Cumberland Striptease performed regularly both on- and off-campus, and participated in the annual Gatlinburg Improv Fest. The group remains active today.
As an anxious person, I know first-hand how transformative it is to get up on stage and perform without any kind of script. I love to help my students safely push their own boundaries, and discover how funny, brilliant, and creative they can be.
But don’t take my word for it—check out what some of my former students are saying.